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Remove IE 5.01 from W2K?

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Does anyone know if it's possible to replace IE 5.01 with IE 4 in W2K?

Also, if you do this and have Office 2K in the machine, will Office refuse to run?


Not that I want to do this but...we are in the midst of planning a W2K and Office 2K rollout here are work and I need proof that this cant be done. That you need to have IE 5 on the machine.


Any links to sites that have reference to this or hard facts that this cant be done woud be greatly appreciated.




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I dont know too much about this, but i believe that the people who made 98lite are planning a windows 2000 version if possible which would allow you to remove IE from windows and stop the intergration, other than that i dont think there is any real practical way to remove IE or install an earlier version.

Im sure that it is possible to install office 2000 on a computer with IE4 already installed i believe there is a comand line option something like -NOIE that makes office not install or upgrade IE but you do lose some functions of ofice, i think web folders and maybe some other too.

Im sure if you look through office documentation or something you could find the correct command

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I dont want to.


IE4 is the browser that we support in the organization. They dont want to upgrade or change if they dont have to.


Personally I think it's because they love to make more work for themselves.

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you should try to convince them that there is NO learning curve in going from IE4 to IE5... no employee training necessary.


Maybe that will convince them that it would be MUCH harder (maybe even impossible) to try to use IE4 in win2k, and to just stick with IE5

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