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Fixed hostname with a Dynamic IP

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Im running windows 2000 Professional and i have installed IIS and have ftp and www servers running fine, I intend using the www server to test web pages as i work on them, for testing and others reasons i will have people wanting to conect to my computer to view the pages.

I have an awful 56k modem conection and a dynamic IP, Ive seen things such as http://www.dyndns.org/ to get a fixed hostname, but i was wondering if it was possible to configure windows 2000 to automatically register my IP with that when it creates a connection, possibly using a script, although i dont know too much about this any help would be appreciated.

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Please don't take this as a personal rip, but I find it a little sad that you obviusly haven't even read the site you've given the link to, before posting your question (which should really be in the Networking forum)


The "how to" page on the site - http://www.dyndns.org/dyndns/howto.shtml - gives a very good overview of how to set up dynamic hosting, and from there you can find the list of client software - http://www.dyndns.org/dyndns/clients.shtml - to automate the re-registration process.

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Well i had actually read that on the web site and looked at all the client programs thet had listed but i just didnt feel any of those clients were really as good as i would like i was hopeing maybe someone would at least suggest a better client.

I have found one which iam quite happy with called DyneSite which works with a lot of services over than dyndns.org

the address is http://noeld.com/download.htm

However the dyndns.org web site does seem to suggest that it may be possible to configure windows to automatically do this when it creates a connection, i do feel a bit doubtfull about that but if it was possible i would expect that would be the best way to do it.

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Right. Your first post didn't mention you'd already rejected the offered solutions...


It is possible to have a scripted process kick off after a connection has been made. Look at the Security tab of the connection properties. In the lower half you can specify a script to run - examples are included - which can register your IP after a successful log on. You can also use this to test the connect speed - I have a script which will drop and reconnect if the speed is less than 40kbaud.

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I tried DynDNS.org and the BaliDNS software (for auto IP address up[censored]). Worked perfectly first time. Wonderful! I set up a private tunnel and will test it next week. I'll let you know how it works.


Could not have been easier. W2K (and this board) rocks...



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Yeah I shouldve made more sense in my original reply =)

Well im going to have a look into using a script to hopefully automatically update eveytime a conection is made.

After sometime using dyndns.org I have noticed that it can take 10-15 mins to update the IP to hostname, which when my conection gets timed out every three hours (It was every 2 hours, wonder why they called it screaming net?) could be a problem. I have looked at some of the other similar services and it seems like www.dhs.org may be the best one, although i would be interested to hear from anyone with there coments.

DHS seems to manage to update IP to hostname within a couple of mins, which is good enough for me. The program i gave a link to earlier also works with this service, it is freeware also.


I would certainly agree this is the best forum

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