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Need to resize NTFS partition in Win2k.

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Does anyone know what software there is to resize a ntfs partition that works with win2k? I had partition magic 4 but that doesn't work and they don't support it. grr, i need help. tia

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You need Partition Magic 5. It has worked great many times for me.

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Ok.. I cant get partion magic 5 to instal on mt win2k box at all.. Any ideas?

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Yup it will let you create bootup disks and thats what you need to do. Its safer that way because it runs in real mode dos without any other **** loaded and no compatibility probs. Btw. Try to defrag your entire drive before resizing it. The reason is it makes it easier for partition magic to move that data. Also bewarned with pq5 it isnt flawless. Backup your data if you can.

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part1 : : : : :: : ; : ; :: : : ;


when resizing that partition it will have to move all the data on the right to the left and is more succeptible to errors.


example after defrag:


part1 :::::::::::::::::::


Now you can resize it without it having to move much data. Crude example but you get the point.

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I have also fond it is good to check for errors before moving/resizing a partition. Partition Magic has a basic error checker that can be disabled. If it does not catch an error or that feature has been disabled you can lose data. A lot of people will disable the error checker because it makes PM run faster and then they swear at PM because it messed up there computer. It's a short cut you don't want to take.

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Ok, made the boot disks but they don't work. While trying to start with the disks It says "Can not load dos". Is there anything else I should know?

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Try remaking the disks. If it says cant load dos chances are there is a corrupt file on the floppy. Try using different disks and do a chkdisk before hand.

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