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strange problems with nero

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I have a strange problem when runnning nero under w2k.


It is not the problem with the program BSODing but whenever i start burning a cd about halfway into the burnprocess the program crashes with an error something like "nero.exe has generated errors and will be closed"


My system is a:

2xceleron 400 on an abit bp6

ibm hd on ata66 controller

tekram dc310 scsi controller

Mat****a cw7502 4x cdr


ne1 have any ideas??

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Start up Nero, then use the task manager to set the affinity for NERO.EXE (right click on it under the "Processes" tab). Like most CD writing programs, it can only be run on one processor.


You'll have to remember to do this every time you start it up.

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Is there any way to set an affinity permanently, so that every time you run a given program it uses a specific processor?

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