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Geforce DDR + 3D games !!

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System spec:

Windows 2000 (2195)

CL Geforce DDR (3.69 Nvidia Reference Driver)

KP6BS Motherboard + 2IC 300 @ 450 Mhz

128 Mb Hyundai SDRAM


CL Geforce DDR works extraordinary well on Windows 98 but not Windows 2000.


I tried all the reference driver, they all gives me very poor performance on Windows 2000.


Have anyone tried Dagoth Moor Zoological Garden on Windows 2000? I get very distorted image and the performance is rather slow. I just like to know anyone have the same problem as me or knows anyway to fix the problem?


Graphics on UT is rather ugly (As though it is software rendered), I search through the whole forum but don't seems to find anyone having this problem. Any help?


Using CL Geforce driver, Hangar (on 3DMark) gives me average of 1 fps !!! Using Nvidia Reference driver 3.69, it gives me about 10-14 fps, whereas on Windows 98, it gives me about 40 or more fps. There is a special error message before I start the test on 3DMark, it says V-sync can't be turn off.


What are all these about? Can it be solved?

I think that is the only thing that hinder me from fully migrating to Windows 2000.


But I am perfectly happy with the performance of Quake 3 Arena on Windows 2000. That's about the only 3D games performance that really impress me.

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Got not clues for ya..But its funny I tried a 3D Prophet which flew on win2k. Have a TNT in most games get 20 39 fps went to 60+ but in win98 keep going black in 2min. I took it back...

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Originally posted by JackDeath:


Do you actually use the Nvidia Reference Driver or you use the driver that came with your 3D Prophet? I get quite sick with card on Windows 2000.

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I have no performance or image quality issues with my GeForce 256 SDR card with games such as UT on Windows 2000 (Celeron 366 @ 550, 256Mb, CL GeForce SDR). In fact I'd have to say apart from the 60Hz refresh rate UT runs FASTER on Windows 2000 with OpenGL compared to Windows98SE with D3D.


slkh, I hate to be the one to tell you, but Windows 2000 boxes with 128Mb and TNT/TNT2/GeForce cards struggle with UT. Do you get much hard disk activity when playing UT? If so, boost your memory to 192Mb or more.

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Greggy, I am very surprise to hear another one who has no problem with performance and quality of the image on Windows 2000.


While running UT, Quake, etc, the hard disk activity wasn't very heavy except when it first load up and a momentarily blink of my IDE light from time to time, but no slow down. Probably that is because of my RAID.


OpenGL mode in UT on Windows 2000 is okay for me, but it would just exit the whole program when there are too many activity going on (too many shootings). D3D on the other hand give me crappy image.

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I got the same problem with my TNT2 Ultra, just after I installed the 3.69 divers

You should know (or you already do know) that those are beta drivers... they're flawfull, I reinstalled back the 3.65 one which gives me less problem and normal performances.

The only thing we can do is just wait for new drivers (working one)... Don't forget Win2000 Final isn't officially released...


(btw, the 3.69 drivers were the first one to reconize my TNT2 Ultra has an AGP... keep going nVIDIA guys, you're on the good way wink )

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I just managed to get most of my 3D shooting games running. No idea how did I did it as well. I tried to clear the registry and delete all the CL driver and Nvidia driver and reinstall everything from fresh using Nvidia Reference driver 3.69.


It just turn out to work, UT running nicely but slow. Quake 3 runnning nicely as well again slower than Win98.


Now here comes the new problem, every of this program occasionally run, occasionally doesn't run. When it doesn't run, it just hang with a not moving mouse pointer.

It is so random that I don't even know what's wrong.


I tried Wheel of Time demo, it ran but running in V-Sync mode ON.. This would give very bad frame rate. Any idea how to turn it off? 3DMark 2000 complaint about the same problem.

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