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Problem using Unreal with OpenGL

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For some reason unknown to me, I´m not able to run Unreal in OpenGL mode. It always crashes back to the desktop during the OpenGL initialization phase. Any clues?


And pretty pretty pretty please don´t tell me to use Direct3D, it´s just way too slow with Unreal.


System specs:

Celeron @ 450


GeForce DDR with Det. 10.80


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Please excuse my incompetence to clearly state the problem I have is with Unreal and not Unreal Tournament.

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I can't remember if Unreal has OpenGl and Direct3d options, but if it does, you should run it in direct3d. Geforce based cards have to run Unreal Tournament in Direct3d mode, so i imagine it is the same with Unreal. Are you sure that you are trying opengl and not glide? I know that UT doesn't even have OpenGl....at least i don't think so....i could be wrong. But, i think UT is just Glide and D3d. If unreal is the same, then you should run in D3d. Just a thought...

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You are mistaken HarU - UT does have opengl support; it is just secondary to direct3d. Unreal 1 also did have opengl support.


I don't know about the crashing though.... i haven't tried unreal on win2k before. If i get the time I'll try it later tonight and let you know how it fares for me....

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1. Unreal supports D3D,Glide,Software,Opengl just fine.

2. Update Unreal with the latest patch or use the Unreal to UT engine hack to use the latest UT files in Unreal.

3. Any problems with video after you have updated to the latest update will be a driver problem.

4. The Unreal engine works best in Opengl on Geforce cards.

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Thx to all for your reply.


Both Unreal and Unreal Tournament also have support for OpenGL. In many games, OpenGL provides better performance over D3D, at least on my system. In general, OpenGL works fine (let´s not look at cases like Deus Ex where some third party programmers had to show Ion Storm how to implement a working OpenGL solution) where D3D just lacks performance and image quality. That´s the reason why I don´t want to use Direct3D.



I´d like to see the outcome of your test.



After following some instruction, I managed to play the first Unreal level (Vortex2.unr)

on the Unreal Tournament engine. However, when reaching the 2nd map, UT bots suddenly appear in the game and start to fight each other. This happens even after disabling the bots in the menu. Needless to say that Unreal isn´t playable anymore. I followed those instructions carefully, but to no avail.

I´d like to see the instructions you used, could you please post them here? I´m not able to find anything on the web.


I have this OpenGL problem with all versions of my drivers and Unreal patches.

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Ahhh, I see.


I stand corrected oh wise ones..... smile

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UT Demo 1024*768*32: D3D average 26fps OGL average 40fps. (GFMX & W2Ksp1).

Does that convince you :-) by the way OGL in the demo is BETA. Even if I crank the colors down to 16bit the OGL still beats D3D!?



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