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Alright, WTF is the deal with Tony Hawk 2 and a GeForce 2?

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i have recently switched from a Voodoo 3 3000 to an ASUS V7700 GeForce 2 GTS Deluxe, and i am very happy with it. I have major improvements with most of my games ... "most". One of the exceptions is Tony Hawk 2. I don't know what the deal is, and it doesn't matter what drivers i try, the game seems slower than it was with my Voodoo 3. here are my specs:


Pentium 3 800 MHz

256MB PC100 RAM

ASUS V7700 GeForce 2 GTS 32mb DDR Deluxe

(running Detonator 3 6.47 drivers)

SBLive! X-Gamer


I have the game set on the same settings I had it on with the Voodoo 3 ... 1024x768 @ Normal quality (in the game) i have even completely removed and reinstalled it just to make sure there wasn't any voodoo info left in it, but that didn't really help anything. like i said, i'm running the 6.47 drivers, they seem to be the best ones i've used yet out of a handful of others, but Tony Hawk 2 could DEF be faster, and as you can see from my specs, i should be getting pretty damn good speed. does anyone know if there are issues with this game and GeForce 2's? does anyone know how to improve the performance?

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