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Monkey Island 4

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Is anyone able to watch the intro properly?


When I play the opening sequence, both sound and video skips. It's almost as if the sound subsystem tries to catch up, and then the video decides it needs to catch up, and so on...


It plays just fine under Win98. :-(

(both full installations)


AMD K7-650, TNT2Ultra, 192MB RAM, SBLive! and SCSI drives. I've tried NVidia driver version 6.31, 6.47 and 6.49.




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I have the same problem ! all the cut scenes are like that. Half-life plays really fast too ! I think its to do with the SB Live and the GeForce conflicting, either that or the GeForce and the Motherboard.


My system is (relevant bits):


AMD K6-2 450MHz,

Gigabyte GA-5AZ M/B,

192MB PC100 SDRAM,

SB Live!,

Creative GeForce2 GTS,

Adaptec 2190U (I think) SCSI card,

Generic 10/100Mb/s NIC.


I'm upgrading it soon though and hope that'll sort out the problem. It really is annoying to go through the game without seeing the cut scenes.


Anybody out there that can help us ??




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works fine for me...


celeron 600 @ 900

192mb ram

tnt2 16mb with det 6.19



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Hey.. I figured it out !! I uninstalled the SB drivers, and then turned down the graphics cards accelerated features (under the troubleshooing section on the graphics cards properties page). Next step to install the latest Live!Ware drives and see if it still works ok.




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Originally posted by Cynan:
Hey.. I figured it out !! I uninstalled the SB drivers, and then turned down the graphics cards accelerated features (under the troubleshooing section on the graphics cards properties page). Next step to install the latest Live!Ware drives and see if it still works ok.

Did you really have to turn down the graphic acceleration?

What's the date on those latest LiveWare drivers? (and do you need the entire LiveWare, or just the drivers?)


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Yes I did. However, I've just read on another BB that someone with similar problems fixed it by running the card at 1X. I'm going to try that later.


The date of the lastest drivers for 2K is 12/07/2000 (dd/mm/yyyy - for non-5.1 cards) and you only need the drivers - though I doubt you would beable to use the older live!ware apps with the new ones.





[This message has been edited by Cynan (edited 08 December 2000).]

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*sigh*. It works with the accelerated features turned down and thats it. Turning them up just causes my system to crash upon reboot.


Looks like a new m/b.. :-/



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Originally posted by Cynan:
*sigh*. It works with the accelerated features turned down and thats it. Turning them up just causes my system to crash upon reboot.

Well, although I've had no reboots, I haven't experienced much improvement. I did try MI4 without sound, and IIRC the video did NOT skip then.

But as soon as I installed the drivers (lw3drv.exe) dated July 11th, the problem returns. Setting AGP to 1x using Creative's AGP Wizard yielded no results (except that the machine hung on my first attempt).

I suspect a new motherboard is the way I'm heading as well. First generation Athlon motherboard from Asus spells trouble with these things.

OTOH; SP2 from MS is believed to address some AGP chipset issues, so I hope it'll work some wonders for me as well.



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Yay !!! it works perfectly with my new motherboard (Abit VP6 with Dual 800EBs) !. Apparently some Gigabyte boards don't supply enough power or something to the AGP card and that causes problems.. dunno.




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Soyo SY5-EMA+

AMD K63-400@433 124mhz FSB X3.5

Geforce 2 GTS 64m (6.34 drivers)

Sblive! X-Gamer (Liveware 3 drivers)


Worked perfectly fine here. From start to finish.


I am the master of MONKEY KOMBAT!



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lol.. in your dreams ! :-P.. shame there isn't an online version eh.



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HEY! there's a multiplayer option in the game but *SOMEHOW* I can't get in frown it must hate me wink no really this game kicks laugh I thought it was DX8 all this time, but I do have a SB Live! so that could have been it I guess? Dunno! works in win2k now but didn't work in whistler :P





In case of an emergency, break gl***, scream, bleed to death.



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The game works for me okay as well with the only glitches being sometimes the first few seconds of the movies stutter but they seem to even out before I've missed anything. The game otherwise seems like a solid 2K release.


Pentium III 600mhz

256MB RAM, Voodoo3 3500TV

Soundblaster Live!

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