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Delta force 2 and some help please!!!

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Ok here is my gripe, I was playing DF2 last nite online and this guy , "EASYKILL" was completely kicking butt, then I noticed I never saw this guy anywhere, the bullets just seemed to arrive and wipe me out, so who out there knows where to get theses cheats? Man this is annoying, so any help out there?


Thanx Ned

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You want to cheat too?


Thats the reason I gave up on CS b4 they fixed the proxy bug.


Cheating just ruins games.

Just leave the server and tell everyone to leave too, so he can play with 'him'self.


Nuff said.

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No.........we did complain, but nothing has happened, so it would ruin his fun to play on his terms..........well and frankly I was so red in the face from getting my butt kicked, any revenge would have been welcome smile......but you are right that would be defeating the "fun" of the game. Okay so some one out there write a cheat to where if a "God" mode cheateris present in the game all the other players have infinite "Health"

or something of that nature.



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OK..............He is still kicking my butt,

so any ideas out here, or if I plan a nite can we all go in and sit in the Zone and kick his butt so he doesnt win anymore? LOL

What a bummer, in the game it looks like GOD is shooting from the sky, and then you die.



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