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Rogue Spear and RC 2 Voodoo 2000 PCI

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I have imported the registry settings from win95 registry for rogue spear. Now when I try to run it I get an file that states Rogue Spear was unable to read options. When I set the video and sound card in the configuration program it does not keep them. Anyone elese know what I can do? Directx, ogl, and glide all work ok, I can play alot of other games with no problem. I hear the game works ok in beta 3, to bad my printer does not work with it or i would go back to it.


[This message has been edited by shadowraven (edited 19 October 1999).]

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The reason RS will not start is because it needs to read an options file that is created the fist time you run the game. RS also has a problem with writing to the Registry in 2000 so what i would suggest you do is boot into win98 and get the game set up completely, e.g. vid settings, controls etc. Then you can boot back into 2000 and run the game. I did this on both of my machines and it runs great.

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Take a quick look at the .reg file before importing it. Make sure the drive letters and paths are accurate.

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I used the V3 driver fix and still couldn't get Rogue Spear to run. It bombed out right after switching to 3D mode. Never got video. Then what Shoefly said made me think... My drives are different when booting from Win2K to Win98. I manually searched the registry on my Win2K bootup and found that the paths were all wrong. Manually edited them and got it working. Thanks guys!!



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