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I need your advice and opinions plz!

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Hello all!


I'm going to set up a server to fullfill my networking needs here at home. It will be a http/ftp/sql server mainly, plus a few extras tossed in here and there. (It will run on a 2048/640 ADSL)


Here's where you come in, I need to know what you think is the best distro for home server purposes. The only distro I'm comfortable with atm is MDK, and it has the features I need, so naturally I'm leaning towards installing that again. I really like the webmin interface, and the easy configuration.

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If you ask me I would go for Red Hat if you are a novice (great doc's out there written for red hat).

Otherwise Debian (admin's dream with apt-get package manager).


I'm using Gentoo as a desktop OS. I guess it would be great for server purposes. The OS is like Linux From Scratch meets FreeBSD ports OS. If you have the time (compiling of the base system and packages is going to take you 5/6 hours) and you want to learn more go for Gentoo.


Otherwise (if it doesnt matter) go for freeBSD (btw this is not not linux smile ).


Good luck

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Well, I AM a "n00b" laugh


My first experience with Linux was Red Hat 7 something I think, and I wasn't really convinced at once, and quickly moved to Mandrake. I didn't have 2 computers back then, and running 2 OS's was too much of a hassle, but now that I have 2 it's time to get rocking again!


I've been thinking about Debian, but never really tried it. Does it include webmin? Good remote management tools is very important to me, aswell as (shiver) VNC. I need all this because the server will be running without a monitor! ;( This probably means I should learn how to use the shell huh?


Now I'll go have a peek at what I can find about Debian, thanks for your help so far smile

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If you are going to run a server forget about using X window enviroment.

It is completely unnecessary.

Of course an advanced knoledge of shell will be necessary, but all come's at a price in this case the price is time.

As far as remote control goes if you are behind a firewall on a local home network it is perfectly acceptable to use telnet. If this is not the case you can remotely administer the server via ssh.

I agree with Zuti Gentoo is a good choice if you want to learn.

And by far has the best support.

Otherwise go with something like debian.

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Cool, Thanks for the advice, now I just gotta get a new HD.. the one I had in the box got trashed ;( It wasn't unexpected tho, it was getting old.

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