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Al Gore trying to steal the election.

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That's a great pic.


I got one in my email the other day... it was the United State's Democratic Seal, and It had a picture of a crying baby in the middle.


I just can't believe this man. This thread was posted nearly a month ago (by me), and here we are still talking about it. Al Gore needs to give in.. He can't just re-write the laws until he gets things his way.


The question of legitimacy has arisen... whoever is president... will they have the nations support? I honestly feel, from everything that I've seen, once Bush is finally declaired the winner... this country will rally behind him and support him with all her heart and soul. People are tired of hearing about Gore and his problems. People are tired of hearing about Florida and everything that is going on there. Also, with each p***ing minute, Gore looks more and more like a spoiled brat who is used to getting everything his way.


I almost tend to think that people who voted for him will finally begin to realize just what kind of a man he is. He is not trying to get all the votes counted, he is trying to gain votes by interpreting illegal ballots. Plain and simple. The man is ruthless, has no respect for the law when it doesn't work in his favor, and most of all, he's impulsive. That combination is scary, and I am relieved that he will not be the president.



BTW, it is said that we all have equal right to the courts etc. Well why don't YOU try calling up your state's supreme court on Thanksgiving with a case... and see if they give you the time of day. Gore has been babied in this whole ordeal and he keeps losing the counts. He should take a hint.



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LOL... they put asterics in "p***ing"... p-a-s-s-i-n-g

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Oh good lord. If the tables were turned and Bush were in Gore's position, do you think he would bow out and let the other guy have it? No of course not, and Bush made a public statement saying exactly that. A reporter several days ago asked him if he thought Gore was being a sore loser, and he said, basically, that he would do the exact same thing if he were in that position. Besides that, Gore won the popular vote, not Bush. If we weren't still using an archaic method of selecting the President that has grown vastly unneccessary, Gore would have had the Presidency long ago. Besides, the whole thing will work itself out eventually, and four years from now someone else will be Pres, because I don't see either one of 'em lasting for eight.


[This message has been edited by Gerbache Kaznet (edited 11 December 2000).]

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I guess I don't understand why people sometimes call Bush an idiot. After all, Bush is the college graduate and Gore is the lawschool flunky.

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Well, listening to him speak generally gives the impression that he's an idiot. He isn't a smooth speaker like Gore (smooth or "slick", you decide). I think that both parties have good platforms, but the people at the "head" of them aren't so hot. Several comedians are hoping that Bush does get elected since he will likely provide material for years to come.








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So when you speak directly and don't smile constantly your perceived as an idiot? Ya, he miss pronounced a word before which has been immortalized I know. I kinda thought it was funny when he spoke at that press conference the day after the election where he seemed kinda pissed off at Al Gore for not conceding. Al Gore just gives me the creeps I don't know what it is. He has kind of a hot daughter though doesn't he? hehe

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Well, I don't believe that he fumbled a speech just once. In addition, Dan Quayle made a brilliant correction for "potato" where he told a little girl it was spelled "potatoe". That will live on forever. Besides, at least half of being a politician is being able to speak in public (regardless of who writes your speeches for you). I'm not saying that's how it should be since it would be nice if they could just DO the job, but when you interact with people in a professional manner, expect to be judged.






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