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Vancouver 2010 Xbox 360 Review

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NEW CONTENT (Gaming) - Vancouver 2010 Xbox 360 Review


QUOTE: "Here we go again; another olympics, another video game and yet another media bash session. However, perhaps not. Eurocom are very experienced in Olympic video games, now having done the past Winter and Summer Olympic games and as such there is hope that this game could be good. Olympic video games usually boil down to mini-games of sports that people get interested in for two weeks before forgetting them for another four.


This is even more true for the Winter Olympics except for the die hards of Scandanavia and while that doesn't sound like a good game, the developers have tried hard this time and we have to applaud them for that. Vancouver 2010 may not necessarily be a top game, but it definitely pushes the Olympic genre in the right direction."


For more information, please visit - http://www.tweaktown.com/gaming/3106/vancouver_2010_xbox_360_review/index.html



Best Regards,


The TweakTown Team





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