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Steven Riggs releases TimeTable 1.9

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Steven Riggs releases TimeTable 1.9 - Published on 01/13/10




Steven Riggs today announces TimeTable 1.9 for Mac OS X. TimeTable allows you to easily export iCal calendar data and analyze and total the number of hours recorded on your calendar. TimeTable reads and filters iCal calendar data and calculates the hours spent in the events. Version 1.9 brings a new TAB separated values export and a new option to take the carriage returns from the CSV and TSV exports.


Frankfort, Kentucky - Steven Riggs today is proud to announce TimeTable 1.9 for Mac OS X. TimeTable allows you to easily export iCal calendar data and analyze and total the number of hours recorded on your calendar. Why not use iCal for more than just scheduling? TimeTable reads and filters iCal calendar data and calculates the hours spent in the events. Find trends by searching the details of events and viewing the average, maximum and minimum times spent on projects. This makes it perfect for tracking and billing without keeping a second record outside of iCal.


This release adds two new features:

* A new TAB separated values (TSV) export

* The option to leave out carriage returns from the CSV and TSV exports


Some programs prefer TAB separated values instead of comma separated values and an import may run much cleaner without carriage returns. This should make importing to programs like Filemaker much easier.


Minimum Requirements:

* Mac OS X Version 10.5 Leopard or later

* Universal Binary for PowerPC and Intel

* 5 MB Hard Drive space


Pricing and Availability:

TimeTable 1.9 is available for $15.00 (USD) for a single license, and is a recommended update for all customers. $50.00 for 5 licenses. Test drive TimeTable today for a full featured 14 day trial.


Steven Riggs: http://www.stevenriggs.com

TimeTable 1.9: http://www.stevenriggs.com/Site/TimeTable.html

Download TimeTable: http://www.stevenriggs.com/Site/TimeTable_files/TimeTable_1.9.dmg

Purchase TimeTable: http://www.stevenriggs.com/Site/Purchase.html

Screenshot: http://www.stevenriggs.com/images/tt12fullscreensmall.png

App Icon: http://www.stevenriggs.com/images/timetablemedium.png



Steven Riggs is an independent software developer whose passion for the Mac platform is only exceeded by his aim to craft incredibly useful software, with a focus on total customer satisfaction. Based in Frankfort, Steven works as an analyst and programmer for the state of Kentucky. Copyright 2007-2010 Steven Riggs. All Rights Reserved. Apple, iCal, the Apple logo, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.




Steven Riggs

Independent Developer



steven.riggs ( -at -) me.com









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