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PhotoNest 1.0 for iPhone - A new way to View and Share Photos on Twitter

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PhotoNest 1.0 for iPhone - A new way to View and Share Photos on Twitter - Published on 12/14/09




California based MindTapp today announced PhotoNest 1.0, its new photo sharing tool for iPhone and iPod touch. PhotoNest eliminates having to click on a link to see what photo your friend has uploaded. It goes through your Twitter feed and looks for photos posted and then pulls them out and puts them into a scrollable stream of pictures very similar to your favorite Twitter client except built specifically for photography.


La Jolla, California - PhotoNest is the first release from MindTapp. "We simply wanted to create the best experience for viewing and sharing photos on Twitter" says co-founder Shelby Meinzer. Twitter is an amazing real time text based communication tool that is changing how people communicate and spread information. Another great use for Twitter is to share photos with your friends and followers.


In addition to allowing the user to view the photos that your friends have posted you can also upload photos along with a message. "We wanted create a great way for people to share photos when they are on the go and make that process as simple as possible." Says co-founder Dan Martin. With cell phones now becoming a very popular way to capture moments, more and more people are looking for ways to share those with friends. MindTapp is dedicated to making PhotoNest the most elegant solution for this.


PhotoNest can be used in many ways by many different people. For example if you have a group of friends for family that want to be able to share what they see, they can create a Twitter account, follow all the people in that group, then sign in on PhotoNest and start sharing. The photo is uploaded to TwitPic and the message along with a link to the photo will be posted to that users Twitter profile. The photo will also appear at the top of your photo stream in the view tab in PhotoNest. This is also a great solution for business owners to promote their business or service. For example a restaurant owner could use PhotoNest to snap photos of their daily specials and send out that information to all their Twitter followers. Or a real estate agent could use it to send out photos of their new properties.


MindTapp was founded by Shelby Meinzer and Dan Martin, neither of who are software developers. Dan said, "We want to create a company that looks at apps from the point of view of the end user, we feel that this approach creates a product that people understand and really love to use". MindTapp worked with Steve Moon and Ryan Moulton at Clever Coding in Springville, UT for the development of PhotoNest. This is the second application that Shelby has worked with Clever Coding on. "It's a great relationship we have, I can completely focus my time on the design and user experience and then hand that off the the team at Clever Coding and they bring the idea to life."


On top of developing their own apps, MindTapp plans on working with Clever Coding in the future to continue to bring simple tools to your iPhone that make life easier and more fun.


Device Requirements:

* iPhone or iPod touch 3.0 or later


Pricing and Availability:

PhotoNest 1.0 is only $3.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Social Networking category.


PhotoNest 1.0: http://www.mindtapp.com

Purchase and Download: http://bit.ly/photonest

Screenshot: http://www.shelbymeinzer.com/MindTapp/comingsoon_files/PhotoNest%20VIEW_1.png

Media Assets: http://bit.ly/nestpress

App Icon: http://www.shelbymeinzer.com/MindTapp/comingsoon_files/PhotoNest_iphoneiconFINISHED_1.png



MindTapp is an iPhone application company that was founded on the idea of making very simple and powerful apps with style. Copyright © 2009 MindTapp. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.




Shelby Meinzer

Founder/Chief Software Architect



smeinzer ( -at -) mac.com









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