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iPhone transformed into a full-service writing center for students

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iPhone transformed into a full-service writing center for students - Published on 12/08/09




Niles Technology Group today announced their Achievers Writing Center apps for iPhone and iPod touch. Achievers Writing Center apps are revolutionizing how high school and college students write essays and papers. The apps make it easier to be more successful at writing, and they also significantly reduce the time and money required to produce excellent work. For a fixed, affordable price, each app comes with professional writing center services and more.


Charlottesville, Virginia - Students know that time is a precious commodity that they cannot get back and that money is finite and must be used wisely. The main goals of Achievers Writing Center are to help students be more successful writing essays and papers, while helping them spend less time and money in the effort.


"Essay writing assistance for students is the perfect example of a highly fragmented market in need of a serious technology makeover. The products and services simply have not kept up with the mobile, smart-phone centered lifestyles of students," states Michael Niles, President and CEO of Niles Technology Group.


Mr. Niles explains, "Achievers Writing Center apps deliver the mobile technology and content to let students do things that, in the past, required spending time sitting at a computer, making appointments at a school's writing center, and traveling multiple times to the writing center. As for reliable "writer's block" email support, well, that is virtually non-existent at writing centers. And, most importantly, if students want help in editing and reviewing the final product, they usually spend more money than they should on another entity that did not even help them write the essay in the first place. Just talking about all the steps and time involved illustrates how difficult and inconvenient it is to receive consistent, reliable professional help."


Achievers Writing Center apps change the dynamics of essay writing in several significant ways. For a fixed, affordable price, each app comes with professional writing center services and more. There are no hidden charges or hourly credits to track.


Achievers Writing Center apps have step-by-step guidance in writing over 40 different types of essays. Specificity is key to helping a student with a specific type of writing assignment. The apps also come complete with tutorials on writing effectively, footnotes, outlines, and full explanations of the different essay genres. Achievers Writing Center is truly at the forefront because no other writing center offers comprehensive writing apps.


Each app includes unlimited "writer's block" email support so no more being stuck without a real person to help. There is basically a "writing assistant" in every app ready to assist with any questions throughout the writing process.


The apps have actual writing pages where students can write essays directly on their iPhone or iPod touch. To achieve true mobile essay writing, Niles Technology Group takes full advantage of the computing capabilities and excellent work interfaces of the devices.


And after the essay is complete, the student emails it to Achievers Writing Center. The essay is edited and reviewed with recommendations on how to improve it. This step is the crucial difference between getting an A instead of a B.


No other product provides such complete, start to finish, writing assistance coupled with the convenience and freedom of mobile computing. There are no ongoing hourly charges; no more sitting in front of a desktop computer or carrying a bulky laptop; no more being stuck without help; and no need to hike through the rain or snow to the writing center.


Achievers Writing Center is truly comprehensive high-tech essay writing aid at a student-budget price. The standard all-inclusive app price starts at $14.99 USD. For students that want everything except the essay editing and review, there are versions that begin at $7.99. The apps can be found in the iTunes Store.


Achievers Writing Center: http://www.essaywritingwizard.com/achieverswritingcenter.html

Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/niles-technology-group-inc/id318596183

Screenshots: http://essaywritingwizard.com/achieversscreenshots.html



Niles Technology Group was founded in 2007 to develop software for emerging technologies and is developing a series of mobile computing applications dedicated to teaching superior writing and logical thinking skills. With its experience in the technology and content required to develop full-featured products for students, Niles Technology Group is already in the top 25 of all iPhone app publishers and the Essay Writing Wizard apps have sold successfully in all countries that carry the iPhone and iPod touch. The key to Niles Technology Group's success is specificity. Each app is specific to the writing task at hand. Michael A. Niles, the founder, was formerly, for eight years, the President and CEO of The Right Education, Inc. (TRE), a web-based educational technology company that developed The Learning Accelerator. He looks forward to continuing to bring top-line education products to the mobile computing marketplace. Copyright © 2007-2009 Niles Technology Group. All Rights

Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.




Michael Niles




ntg ( -at -) essaywritingwizard.com









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