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IRQ conflict

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I'm new to Windows 2000, love it so far but I'm having some difficulties with my ATA-66 controllers. I'm using an ASUS BE6(rev2) which has integrated High-Point ATA-66 controllers. They have both been assigned to IRQ-11. Win2k is loaded on one of the ATA-66 drives and I have all of my games and aplications on the a different physical drive that uses the other ATA-66 controller. Anytime I try to transfer files between the two drives or start and application I get a blue screen saying that the IRQ is equal to or less than....next time it does it ill try to write it down. Do I need to change IRQ's. If so which should I choose?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!







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Ok, I have more info now.


I've gone to computer management/system tools/event viewer/system.....and i see errors generated by IPNATHLP and the event is 32003.....Which if you read has a listed as the last item as a IRQ conflict;. I know this has to be an easy fix. Someone please post a fix.







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Can't help you with the controller problem only to say that sharing IRQ is normal for win2k and I doubt that is causing your problem. Try a search within this board to see if anyone else has had similar problems. Event 32003 isn't related to your controller problems, it is just telling you that the PC you are sharing an internet connection with isn't switched on, I get that one all of time.


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I've been having the same error with my abit be6-2 (also highpoint controller). I read somewhere the highpoint drivers for win2k are the cause, they are crap. The only solution to use your drive in win2k is to disable the highpoint controller and put the drive on udma66 frown

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I also have the Abit (not ASUS) BE6 and have had ZERO problems with the controller. I have had 2 HDs hooked up, one to each controller, and have had nothing wrong. When you installed Win2k, you had to press F6 and install the drivers, did you load them just one time or two times? You may not have all the drivers installed correctly.

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Yeah, Bubsy is right about installing the drivers twice.

My dad has the same board, and it runs flawlessly. He's got a hard drive on each HighPoint controller, and a CD-Rom on one regular IDE channel,and a CD-Burner on the other, no problems.

Also, I looked in the manual, and it said not to have the Highpoint drivers installed along with the IDE busmaster drivers or problems would happen.

Cant remember the last time he reinstalled Win2k either. I think he's installed it twice since buying it.


Please leave the IRQs alone, that aint the problem. BSODs are hardware related, and it seems to be with your highpoint controllers.

Try to reinstall the drivers and see if it fixes the problem.

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Check your Device Manager and see if one controller doesn't have the drivers installed right. And the manual says not to have the Highpoint Xpro Storage drivers (or whatever they are called) and the Intel IDE Busmaster drivers.


[This message has been edited by Busby (edited 18 March 2001).]

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Hey guys, thanks for all of the responses. So far I have reloaded the drivers, reformatted the suspect hdd and now I'm looking into the Intel IDE Busmaster thing. I've just disabled it....hopefully this works!!





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Ok, none of what I'm doing worked. I can now duplicate the problem everytime, so I guess I'm getting things narrowed down. The message I'm getting on the bluescreen is "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" and then lists the hpt366.sys. What is most perplexing to me is that both hdd's, drivers and controllers are identical. Oh well, I guess I'll keep reading.







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Another question..this Intel IDE Busmaster issue. I thought I found it in system hardware but it was for my cd drives. Where exactly do I need to look to disable it?





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Don't worry about the IDE Busmaster thing. It does not affect you. Download the latest Win2k drivers from www.highpoint-tech.com and then install those drivers. I think I had a problem with the first version of the HPT366 drivers.

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