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Here's the problem I have...


I had 1 IDE hard drive, 2 SCSI drives....


I now have 2 IDE hard drives, 2 SCSI drives


Windows 98 was on IDE hard drive 1 and Win2k was on the 1st SCSI one..


After using the Western Digital installation disk to partition and format my new 30gig IDE drive, it gave me the option to copy all files from my old IDE to the new partition of the new drive... I have 2 partitions on the new drive..both 15gig. After copying all the files to the new drive... I tried booting from it.... I got the boot.ini screen where it asked me to select the operating system and when I selected windows 98, it said:

non system disk or disk error....you know..that one..


What do I have to change in my boot.ini file to make it point to the right drive?


Here's what the boot.ini looks like in both drives right now:


[boot Loader]




[Operating Systems]

C:\="Microsoft Windows 98"

signature(d96c5d5e)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect


What do I have to change?

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Have you tried...


multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect


OOPS, reading too carelessly I guess, try "fdisk/mbr c:" to reset master boot record of drive c:


[This message has been edited by nam ng (edited 28 February 2001).]

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