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edit MBR

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Hi there


i just installed Win7 to dual boot alongside vista, problem is the MBR doesnt have an option to boot vista even though i have checked and the Vista partition is still there


any ideas how to edit the MBR and add a line to be able to boot Vista again


Thanks in advance


P.S. if you could tell me what lines to add with Win7 as default booting OS i'd be greatfull

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I have been given a link to download EasyBCD, I used it to edit the BCD (Boot Config Data store) which basically edited the MBR


now afer this i rebooted the PC and the boot menu did not show up (the delay time is 30 secs)


seems i have 2 MBR's (1 on each physical hard drive) even though both OS's are on the seperate partition, same physical HDD

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Did you specify the correct drive letter for Vista when adding the entry with EasyBCD?


It needs to be a drive letter that is visible in My Computer.

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If you open the cmd prompt and type in bcdedit it will provide the current boot manager information for you.


You can add a store by using the bcedit /create option but you need to find the partitions drive letter for Vista first.


If you open Drive Management under Adminstrative Tools you can easily see what letters are assigned to which drives.

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