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which soundcard

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I have the option of either a AWE64v or a SBPCI 128

obviously the 128 is based on newer technology but the midi synth output seems to be poor. can anybody shed any light?

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I know nothing about the PCI128, but the AWE64 Value (from experience) works well over all. There are a few catches though. Your stuck with the default win2k drivers, and somethings don't work 100% all the time. I had a lot of trouble with the MIC IN, but a format seems to have strangely fixed that problem.

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I'll put my experience. I had a sb32pnp, and bought a pci 128.

You'll have to find what drivers u need (there are currently 4 or 5 types of sound cards that are named PCI 128, depending on the number following the CT characters.....

and in the end, it wasn't compatible with my mobo, so i returned to sb32pnp.

AnyWay my model was a CT 4810, and after 2 days of research I found it uses the drivers of a ES 1371 (Ensoniq!!!), a firm that creative bought long ago.

go on with awe64, my opinion.

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My SB64 also with es1371 has far better drivers than my SBlive. Fair enough it doesn't have 3d sound or eax etc, but at least it gives faultless performance. It is excellent for mixing MP3's in winamp. Compare:


Winamp, using Directsound output:




Bufferlength >> 100ms

Blocksize >> 1K

Can mix 5 mp3 at same time before breaking up (on k6-2 550)




Bufferlength >> 400ms (yet still loses sync)

Blocksize >> 10k


The card refuses to play 2 tracks at the same time, instead creative have invented an amazing form of TDM (time division multiplexing) good for telecommunication companies, but not mixing tunes.


Therefore the sb64pci is at least 4 times faster, and is very stable. Basically when you go to match up BPMs or change the pitch the ensoiq chip is far far faster. It is impossible to mix with close to a half second delay. This also is reflected in audio apps. such as VST, and wavelab...


I worship the ES1371.




System Spec:

Athlon 800

Gigabyte GA-7IXE F4

128Mb SSi PC100

Radeon 64Mb DDR (10/10)

Hauppauge Wintv Model 406

Realtek 8029 LAN (cnx to ISDN server)

Creative ES1371 PCI64v smile

Creative SBlive Value frown

Creative 48mx CDROM

Memorex TriMaxx200(DVD/CDR/CDRW, 6,4,24)

Maxtor 91301U3 13Gb UDMA 4



If Jungle.com say it is not in stock it'll never be in stock, so don't order it.

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euan..........my cards are SB AWE64V and an SB PCI128

do your comments apply to these cards

are you saying I should stick with the PCI card as opposed to the older ISA AWE64??

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SB64 and sb128 are pretty much the same, except the 128 has an extra 64 software midi voices. I would go with the PCI128.

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I'm currently using a SB128 (1373 - also Ensoniq :)) without even a hickup. After a hard search for 1373 drivers, they eventually turned up at Intel's website. Creative's been giving them certified drivers since Feb 2000, but haven't given the public any drivers (damn Creative support!).

Since I started using those drivers though it's worked flawlessly. I agree with euankirkhope in that I like the card much better than the Live! card I used to own. I have no problems and it's mixer definately performs a lot better.

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