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Four and Twenty

building a new computer - having some problems

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I and trying to build a computer with a friend of mine and we are having a hell of a time getting it running. Here is the story:



MB: Asus A7V

CPU: T-bird 950

RAM: NEC Multisync PC 133

CDROM: Creative Labs 52x

HDD: Maxtor 41 gb ata 100 diamond max

video: Matrox g400 dual head


with the matrox card in there it will not boot at all and nothing will display on the screen I also get a series of beeps that according to the manual means no video card found or bad video card. When i swaped that with the tnt2 from my comp the computer will boot and i can enter the bios but random lockups will occur in the bios and it will not reboot it must be turned off and then on again. Also the g400 works beautifly in my comp. quick boot mode is enabled by default if i turn it off the ram will try and clear but when it counts to the top it will start at the bottom and loop endlessly. It does the same with a simmens 128 meg pc100 chip if i use that. with quick boot on and the pc100 ram and the tnt it will boot and go through the bois but never boots. sometimes it will display the message "setup is inspecting your hardware comfiguration" when it tries to boot off of the win2k cd but it never really goes beyond that. I really don't know what to do. i have tried the mb on jumerfree mode and i have also tried setting the jumpers as the manual shows. But either way the computer just will not boot or even run reliably in the bios. I am wondering if anyone has any thoughs on something that i might try.

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well i am thinking that it is a bad mother board because the video card and ram working other computers and the ram clearing loop happens with both ram dimms

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I doubt the problem is in your motherboard. I had the same problem. When I built my system, I turned it on for the first time and heard a series of like 8 beeps or so... I re-grounded the motherboard (this is very important) and re-seated the video card, making sure that all of the pins of the AGP slot connected with the pins of the AGP card. Sometimes the case holds the card partially out of the slot. You might want to check these things out. Hope that helps! laugh


Benjamin S. Chase

NT 4.0 MCP

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I am sure that the vid card was properly seated booth times i had it in there. What do you mean re-ground the mb isn't the grounding done through the power supply? Anyway we are getting a replacement of both mb and ram so we shall jsut have to wait till thursday to see if that was the prob. We are still tring to to get the gd comp running anyway though.


[This message has been edited by Four and Twenty (edited 06 September 2000).]

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