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voodoo5 Vs GTS2, which is better for win2k??

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Hi, i'm considering upgrading my voodoo3 and was wondering which of those cards you would prefer to have?

My system is

athlon 700@800

KA7-100 (KX133)

192RAM pc100 (cas2)

19" monitor

SB Live!1024

30.7gb IBM ATA100


I have heard the GTS2 has problems with my motherboard at the moment, how is it with win2k generally? any weird stuff i could except? i assume the voodoo5 is like the voodoo3 in the fact tha you just put it in and your off no hassle.

Any feedback would be great, cheers

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I bought a Voodoo 5 5500 and have no problems in Windows 2000. Honestly, just pick a video card based on the games you play. Like for me, I play lots of RPGs, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament, Deus Ex, and stuff like that. For me, there was no card better than the V5.



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What system do you have and what res/FSAA do you use in games like UT, desus EX? And the big thing what type of fps do you get?

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Voodoo5. I have a KA7 and had a CLAP2 for a couple of months. Got so sick of the problems that I traded the card for a V5 and I have had zero problems with the V5.

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For Unreal Tournament and Deus Ex, I use 1024x768 in Glide mode. It never drops below 50 fps at 1024x768. It's amazing how much better games based on the Unreal engine run in their native glide mode. They even feel better. I don't normally use FSAA in first person shooters, but Half-Life is the exception. With Half-Life, I can pull 30 - 40 fps at 1024x768 and 4x FSAA. Now, that may seem low, but it does not drop below 30. For me, the visual quality improvement is well worth not getting 60 fps. smile I can drop it to 800x600 and my performance increases a lot. The only mode I've tried in Unreal Tournament is 4x FSAA at 1024x768 and it wasn't playable. It had some pretty bad controller lag. I might try 800x600 later. My system specs are:


Athlon 650

Gigabyte 7IX

160 MB PC100 RAM

Voodoo 5 5500

Diamond MX300




[This message has been edited by Sensei (edited 31 July 2000).]

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