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Dirty Harry

COM3 - How ??

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I had w98, and my modem on COM3 worked. I upgraded to W2K, and it still worked. Now I switched MoBo and did a clean install, and I can't get the COM3 to work.


On the Abit KA7-100 motherboard I have my external ISDN adapter (Asuscom) installed on COM 2, (COM 1 is currently not in use but my Pilot sync cradle will go there). Now I want to install an old ISA internal Sportster modem (just for faxing purposes). I install the modem, and it correctly installs and creates COM3, but the port carries a exclamation mark. Device Manager says "cannot find enough free resources". The IQ and mem range are the same as for COM1 (as they should be? - as least thats how it was when it worked, if I recall correctly). W2K doesn't let me change these settings in the default config.


Any ideas on how to get it fixed ?? Do I need to fiddle around in bios or should it be fixable from within W2K ??


Other cards:

Matrox G400 Max

SCSI adapter

SoundBlaster Live 1024

+Three free PCI slots

Sportster 28.000 in the ISA slot


ACPI is running



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This is one of the known flaws in Win2k, Basically, it doesn't like sharing the com port interrupts. Normally Com 1 & 3 share and Com 2 & 4 share interupts to work. Win2k doesn't like this for some reason. To get mine to work I put it on Com2 and disabled my onboard Com2 port.

Is your modem set up for pnp? Try setting the jumpers to pnp and maybe win2k will move it to a different interrupt. Otherwise your going to have to go into your bios and set another interupt (probably 5) to be used by ISA cards. And then have the motherboard identify it again (with pnp on the card)

Hope that helps - later

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