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Win2k and USB CD-RW Drive/Burning Software?

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A couple of weeks ago, I got the MITSUMI 4802TU External CD-RW Drive (USB) for my Dell Inspiron 7000 notebook. Windows 2000 recognized the drive automatically (despite claims from the distributor -- Pacific Digital -- that the drive only worked on Windows 98); plus it seems to be using hardware specific drivers. Anyway, the drive works fine but I've yet to test it's recording capabilities. I use Windows 98 as well, and usually just use that for burning. Has anyone actually tried using Win2k for recording CD's to a USB driver -- ideally, to a Mitsumi drive?


Oh and by chance, does anyone know of any software that supports USB burners? At the moment, I'm stuck with a version of NTI CD-Maker Pro designed specifically for my drive... I've tried Adaptec EZ CD Creator 4.01, but it only supports IDE and SCSI drives. Thanks in advance for any help!

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I have the same burner, and it does only work (for bunring) in widnows 98.

I emailed mitsumi about drivers for win2k and they said they dont have them and to just use the 98 drivers, but I still couldnt burn...


The software I use in win98 is:

1. Nero - ??

2. CDRWIN - http://www.goldenhawk.com

3. Adaptec EZ CD Creator 4.0 - http://www.adaptec.com


they all work great for me

they think that the USB is an scsi interface, so it thinks the bunrer is an scsi burner... which is pretty cool...

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I have the same drive, and when I first tried it in win2k, it gave me two error messeges about the NT Cd driver not working, and then worked! Unfortunately, the included software, Adaptec Easy CD 4.01 or 4.1, (I don't remember which) is not compatible. I have now done a new clean Win2k installation, and I get the same two error messeges, except I get no drive letter after this. If anyone could possibly help me to at least get me a regular, READ-ONLY drive letter from My Computer, I would greatly appreciate it!


P.S. Please email your response to cjerens@earthlink.net as well as post it on this forum. Thanks,

Cameron Jay Erens (CJERENS)

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The hardware is recognized automatically on my system and is even listed as a "Mitsumi USB CD-R/CD-RW" drive. The problem is that it doesn't function as a burner. It's fully functional as a plain run of the mill CD-ROM drive, but it isn't recognized as a burner by any software except Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.02. And although it seems to work as a burner in this software, as soon as I try to write to a CD (or access ANY type of CD) in the drive, Windows 2000 spits out an error, claiming that I've unplugged the drive even though it's still physically connected. Even more strange is the fact that Windows still thinks the drive is there. So it's claiming the drive is unplugged but then Windows knows its still there.


Any help would be much appreciated. And by the way, the included software from NTI doesn't recognize the drive as a burner either.




PS: I've never seen those NT Service errors that you mentioned.

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Hey guys! I have a Sony CRX100E/X USB CD/RW drive. I was having the same dilemma as you. I knew that the SCSI adapter worked because Win2k saw it as a cd drive. Well, get yourself a copy of Easy CD-Creator and then download the update from Adaptec to make it version 4.02. It will work!!! My drive is up and burning again. Works great! It should work for any External USB CD/R drive. If you get an unplugged error..like I did...unplug the drive and re-plug it in and re-boot. Should work. Mine is. If this doesn't work for you...man, my thoughts go out to ya....


[This message has been edited by RoboGrunt (edited 24 March 2000).]

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I am running Adaptec Easy CD-Creator 4.02 and the drive is properly recognized as a burner. But as soon as I put a CD in the drive (usually while the prog. is running), I get the unplugged error. I disconnected the drive in Windows, reconnected it, and then rebooted (as u suggested).. it still didn't help. I uninstalled the drive and had Win2k automatically set it up again.. still f***ed up.

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I wonder... I have a CRX120Eu-RP but it complains about USB Mass Storage Device when i try to install it.

The one it tries to install is from the lacie group... =/ Dosn't get it to wrk! DAMN!

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The problem is solved. Sony mailed me a beta driver that wrked... So if any1 have trouble, mail me and i send the file for the burner i meantioned above... =)

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Hey I have this problem. I go out and buy hardware that was designed for a completely differeny operating system, but when I bring it home it just doesnt work! The manufacturer says I am a putz and cant read. I have tried everything except buying hardware that is certified to work in my OS.


How can I fix this?



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