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The Candyman

Sony CRX100E OEM CDR/W problems

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My problem with this drive is that of two things. First, during boot-up when my computer checks all IDE Devices it hangs for a bit then I get the error "ATAPI Incompatible" for the Secondary Master (where i have the burner set up). My other problem is that apparently there is no power getting to the burner. I can't open it up. I know the power sources are fine. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me with these problems? Could this have something to do with the drive being an OEM pull?


[This message has been edited by The Candyman (edited 17 May 2000).]

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You might have a problem with two things:


1. The cable you use to connect the drive to the motherboard might be faulty - try another one if possible.


2. There may be some incompatiblilty between your CD burner and your motherboard. Try to put the burner on the other IDE controller if possible - i.e the secondary port or indeed the primary port if it's already sitting on the former.


I've had the same bios report as you before, and it transpired that it was a faulty cable. Also check to see if the cables are firmly sitting in their sockets.


[This message has been edited by Damien (edited 17 May 2000).]

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I replaced my old IDE ribbon with a new one and reconnected it to the motherboard, cd burner, and my zip drive. Still nothing. My main concern now is there is no power getting to the drive. Does this suggest a defective burner? I tried different power cables all of which work fine on other devices, but still no power when hooked up to the burner.

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If no power is getting to the drive, and yet you find that the same cable provides power to other devices - then I'm afraid that the only conclusion I can reach is that the burner is defective in some way. Try connecting the power cable on its own (i.e without the ribbon cable) if the drive starts up then you may have a cable connection problem. However - I've had this problem before - and found that I had a defective drive that lost power whenever it was attached to the ide interface on the motherboard.

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I sent the drive back from where I purchased it for a refund. Thanks for all your help Damien. You gave me a few new troubleshooting ideas that I can use in the future wink!

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