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Hardware Overlay on a damn PCI WinTV

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The only reason I use Win2000 is cause it doesn't crash when watching TV(and working). Thing is though, I haven't seen overlay mode work since about a week after I bought it, and upgraded to a TNT (jan '99). Few days back I bought a maxtor tri-maxx (DVD-Rom,CDR,CDRW and not fried a cd yet in 6X mode) Downloaded PowerDVD, and it instantly kicked into hardware overlay. I was not impressed (with my PC) that wintv never does it. To make matters worse caldera eDesktop was kind enough to pre-install xawtv and it to worked in overlay mode, another double blow for haupaugge/MS/Nvidia. First time to see my TV card work in linux, and with overlay!


I just want sh"£&*ing Overlay.


Using latest Nvidia Beta 5.16

win2K final

k6-2 550

fic va503+ 1.1b JE438


Velocity 4400 AGP 16MB

Wintv PCI 406, PAL locale, latest drivers

Realtek ne2000

Creative PCI64 ES1371 (spdif connections anyone?)

Isa modem

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I've had personal experience with the WinTv pci card, and to cut a long story short, discovered that the drivers are absolutely crap - my system continually crashed when using the card, and as you say, the overlay function was errattic at best - when run under windows (both Win 2K and 98SE). In the end I ditched the card - it just caused me too many problems.

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Hum hum... the drivers do work well in Win2k final release... the only problem is that the wintv viewer programm hasn't implemented the overlay for win2k. The same drivers and card used with MoreTV, for exemple has a very good overlay without problem

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