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What Detonator 5.14 fixes

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Using Detonator 5.13 I´ve not been able to run GLQuake (well, it ran, but rather slowly and with some of the most perverted distorted graphics I´ve ever seen). Downgrading to 3.65 didn´t fix the problem either. Instead I upgraded not just back to 5.13 but one steap ahead, 5.14 and everything runs so nicely that if GlQuake was a woman I´d ... (I´ll leave that to your imagination) laugh

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Just launched GlQuake for fun. It runs OK with 5.14. I had not played it since a few centuries ago, I bet!

It was and is still a great game anyway. The Reaper bot is the greatest bot ever written.


Ok, old timers, tis time to go to bed! Tomorrow will be another day...

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Damn, was that Reaper Bot good! One of the first bots that was actually able to "learn" how to counter a player´s attack with maximum efficiency. Remembering those times makes me feel so old, really darn old...

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AIyyy, that reaper was dope. I used him for testing on levels that I made, and he wooped me consistently. going to have to find that disk. I picked it up for 4.99 in the discount bin at egghead or something like that.

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