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NVIDIA Slowing Down Graphics Upgrades?

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NEW CONTENT (Visual) - NVIDIA Slowing Down Graphics Upgrades?


QUOTE: "If you’ve recently found yourself thinking that you might just bite the bullet and buy a new high-end graphics card, news last week that new models from NVIDIA could be coming as soon as July may make you rethink that decision. The day before the 9800GTX was officially unveiled, rumors started to leak that NVIDIA was already preparing a new line-up of high-end cards under the 9900 naming scheme, and that the 9800 series would be discontinued in July.


With NVIDIA moving onto the CPU market in the near future, you have to wonder if the strategy will be the same when they continue to battle AMD and the even stronger Intel. If you really sit back and take a look at the big picture, you can see why consoles are so popular these days."


For more information, please visit - http://www.tweaktown.com/articles/1374/nvidia_slowing_down_graphics_upgrades/index.html



Best Regards,


The TweakTown Team





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