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ANNOUNCE: mousetweaks 2.22.1

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The update of mousetweaks to version 2.22.1 has been released and can

be downloaded from:



16ef7e51728c27c7ea3378a9f296f352 mousetweaks-2.22.1.tar.bz2

185490d334bdb09baa672bd4da5a7b13 mousetweaks-2.22.1.tar.gz




What is mousetweaks ?



The mousetweaks package provides the functions offered by the

Accessibility tab of the Mouse control panel. It also contains

two panel applets related to the mouse accessibility. More



1. It offers a way to perform the various clicks without using any

hardware button. In this context, the Dwell Click panel applet

can be used to choose what click type to perform.


2. It allows users to perform a secondary click by doing a click&hold

of the primary mousebutton.


3. It provides the Pointer Capture panel applet. This applet creates

an area on the panel into which the pointer can be captured until

the user releases it with a predefined button and modifier





What is new compared to 2.21.92 ?



Misc improvements/fixes:


- Don't send right-clicks too fast. Avoids some problems

with secondary clicks on the gnome-panel.


Bug fixes:


- Fixed #525032: Make sure that the '-Wl,--as-needed' linking

flag works.


New and updated translations:


- [cs] Lucas Lommer

- [nn] Eskild Hustvedt




Best regards,


Francesco Fumanti



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