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Windows XP Compat. Issues for older Games

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I am having compatibility issues for older games. The 1st one is NHL 2000. I DID read your previous post where someone else had a problem, however, my problem did not seem similar. NHL 2000 installs fine, but when I try to run it in Windows 95 Compat. mode, I get a Windows Error when I try to play the game pointing to the NHL2K.ICD file. Please help.


Also, I would desire deeply to be able to play my Tex Murphy games but I don't know if that's possible in Win XP Pro. Does anyone know?

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Whenever you receive an .ICD error in Windows it usually points to a copy protection problem. So for NHL 2000 you'll probably need a NOCD patch or you can try to figure out why the copy protection doesn't work. I have better things to do with my time and I don't like helping copy protection makers make their copy protection better so I just use a NOCD on those games.


The Tex Murphy games work in XP but you may have to do different things for each game. Which game specifically?

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For those of us (like me) that don't know what a NOCD Patch is, can you explain? I mean, I have the original NHL 2000 disk - bought it at Future Shop. So, run this program and it removes the problem? Can you post a link for that? Thanks.


As for Tex Murphy, I found out DOSBOX will help me with Under a Killing Moon, and the other one is Pandora Detective that I'm interested in finding out about. If I run it in Compatibility mode (Pandora Detective) for Win 95, should that work? (I.E. Running all the .exe files in compat. for Win. 95 mode on Win XP Pro)?

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Alot of games for the past few years have come with copy protection that installs drivers on your computer. In alot of cases this copy protection is incompatible with software/OS/hardware in your computer. The only fixes are to remove the offending software, find the Windows update which interfers or upgrade your OS/upgrade the firmware on your hardware or upgrade your hardware (pretty much just CD/DVD drive).....or you can contact the makers of the copy protection and have them troubleshoot the problem....if they card....or you can use a NOCD patch which will either remove the copy protection from the game or you just download the game executable from a website which already has the copy protection remove.


I can't post a link here but search google for gamecopyworld.




I don't have Pandora Detective so I'd have ask around but go ahead and try it doesn't hurt to use compatibility mode.

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I'm from Russia, and i'm nhl 2000's fan

I installed game successfully

copied and pasted nocd, but then i tried to load game (clicked nocd) i saw error mesage:


"The instruction 0x006553be referenced memory at 0x00000001 . The memory could not be read "


i have Windows XP.


then i had nhl'99 it was o.k.

i played so much.


I see you're Expert at this area, may be you

know how to solve this problem.


I'd be greatful you so much !

Sorry for my terrible English :)))

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