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VCore Voltage

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Quick question here. My VCore is set to 1.525 in the BIOS but reads 1.39-1.41 (slight fluctuation) in three seperate programs. SpeedFan, SiSoft Sandra and uGuru (ABIT mobo utility program) I currently have my Pentium D 805 overclocked to 3.7Ghz (185x20) and since I idle at 28C and never get over 40-41C under 100% load for 8 hours I would like to clock a bit higher. Problem being that I dont really want to raise the voltage much over 1.5 and to hit 3.8-4.0 I would have to do so. What I want to know is if I should go by the program's readings of the VCore or the BIOS setting? I dont have a voltage meter and I'm not really interested in buying one for a simple 0.2Ghz. 2.66-3.7 is already pretty good, but I know this chip can go higher.

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Could be your PSU that is the problem, sitting in the BIOS you're not using a whole lot of resources, once you get into Windoze, you're using a lot, which means more draw on your PSU. If it's weak, or underpowered for your system, you'll get voltage drops.

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Well I thought that too, right away. But I am running:

ABIT NI8 SLi mobo

2x BFG GeForce 6600GT OC's

2x 7200 RPM HDD's


Pentium D 805 @ 3.7ghz (Power Hog)

Ultra X-Connect 500W PSU.

I disconnected the extra HDD, 1 Video card, clocked processor to stock and still the voltages were reading lower than the bios stated.

After looking, I found the lowest option in the BIOS is 1.4volts and the processor runs stock at 1.335v. (From Intel Technical Data Sheet) When the processor is at stock speeds and default voltage (auto detect in bios, reads 1.4) speedfan and uGuru report it at 1.33v. So if I want to set an actual voltage of 1.5 would I just set it in the BIOS about 0.07v above (1.57)?? Or is there any other possible problems to worry about?

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Have you updated your BIOS yet? Could be a glitch that's been fixed. Check out the ABIT forums, search for a thread about wrong voltage reporting.


All monitoring programs read off the same monitors, so to me it sounds like a prob with your BIOS, 3 to 1 says it's the BIOS.

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Yep. I agree with you, just wanted someone to second my opinion so I dont get nervous seeing 1.575 in the BIOS to be stable at 4.0ghz. Oh, and yes I did flash to the most recent BIOS. It fixed a temperature reading problem, was reading horribly high.


PS. I am building a PC for a friend and he is looking into the 7600 GT CO from BFG or eVGA and we are having trouble finding any good comparison reviews. For 145 bucks it seems like a good deal on paper but what do you think of it for gaming? It is between the 7600 (SLi at a later time) or two 6800GT XXX editions in SLi for about 200 bucks total. One for 100 after rebate and one i would order for him to get the rebate.


Again, thanks for the reasurrance!

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just seeing if my computer specs works


EDIT: hmm, why wont it put my specs up? they are in my profile...

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