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Julius X

Asus v6600 v3.79 lost hibernate support

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I just installed the latest Asus V6600Deluxe drivers for Windows2000(3.79b1), and it seems that I lost hibernate support with these drivers--as the hibernate option in my power settings has disappeared.


It worked fine with the Nvidia 3.79 drivers, why suddenly did this change? Is there any way I can get it back?


-Julius X

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Same here my friend. The drivers are still beta. My symptoms are worse. I cannot get out of hybernation mode. I essentially have to press the power button to roboot. For now, I've disabled any kind of APM.

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Well, hibernate seems to be working for me.. But I've noticed a lot of other bugs in ASUS' 3.79 drivers...

For example: When I play an MPEG-file with hardware-acceleration enabled, the colors get inverted! To fix this I only need to open Color/Video settings in the ASUS Display Card Control-Panel and click OK, but after I reboot the problem's back.

Also, the OSD display doesn't seem to be working correctly... I got this from the system event-log: "The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: V66NTOSD"..


Hope they fix all this soon....

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Yeah, I get a lot of color errors as well. Under the new Asus Live application, v4.0b2(ugh, more beta), the colors constantly come up wrong->too bright, or too dark. I bring up the Asus Color Applet for Video in the Display settings, and it resets itself correctly. I get the same problem when playing a DVD fullscreen with PowerDVD 2.55. (off topic a bit, but PowerDVD 2.55 should give hardware support for GeForce--at least it does under Win98, but no such luck under Win2k...any fix?)


(Sigh) Hopefully Asus will give us a half-decent quality driver soon.....(although one based off of the new 5.08 driver would be nice too.....along with ALL of the features I'm used to in 98....VR(GL and DX),DVD,Tweak, etc...)

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