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Which is faster, one 7800 GTX or 2 7800 GT in SLI mode?

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Which would be the fastest setup for 3D games like Battlefield 2, D&D Online, FEAR, HL2, etc


7800 GTX (with 512 megs of ram when it comes out)

7800 GTX (256 megs)

or dual 7800 GT in SLI mode



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Depends on resolution/AA/AF.


But generally yeah SLI will be faster.....if you want to waste the money on it. Almost all games run fine with just one of the latest video cards....only fools with money to burn by 2 of 'em at the same time.



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I agree, the numbers I've seen for BF2 and other high graphics games are showing SLI only is giving about 5-11% improvement in frames per second over a single overclocked card. But crossfire has shown 30% so im not sure where the bigger increase is coming from. basically what im saying is, why not buy one card and when games come out that it cant handle (will be awhile) buy another one for probably half what it costs now? Thats what i would do, but if money isnt a problem SLI always sounds cool smile

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But again, my question is, with most of it pretty much being near the same cost, which would be the faster setup, yet also able to use all the bells & whistles and at high resolution (1600X1200).


7800 GTX with 512 megs of ram (and high clock/mem speed, and a wee bit higher cost)


7800 GTX with 256 megs of ram (and still somewhat higher clock/mem speed)


(2) 7800 GT with 256 megs ram in SLI mode

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I'm sorry I cannot fully answer your question, but here is a little tidbit.


I've been reading, and I found that the 7800GT when overclocked to 450/1100 mhz, (Stock Cooling is sufficient) it runs on par with the 7800GTX.


Though I cannot make a for-sure call, but this info would lead me to believe dual GT's in SLI would be faster than a single GTX.


But in conclusion, I would personally get a GTX, overclock it, and when prices drop I would pick up another GTX and SLI them. But your call.

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I'm sorry I cannot fully answer your question, but here is a little tidbit.


I've been reading, and I found that the 7800GT when overclocked to 450/1100 mhz, (Stock Cooling is sufficient) it runs on par with the 7800GTX.


Though I cannot make a for-sure call, but this info would lead me to believe dual GT's in SLI would be faster than a single GTX.


But in conclusion, I would personally get a GTX, overclock it, and when prices drop I would pick up another GTX and SLI them. But your call.

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