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Please Help! compaq evo d310

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I have a compaq evo d310 with P4 2.4, 512 ddr ram, 40gb HD,Geforce MX 400 64 meg card. I cant play any games? I get in the game and it laggs so bad it is unplayable.The card worked fine in my other pc. I also have a geforce fx card 256ddr but it need a 280w power supply, i tried it and works the same as old card? Please help.. Games im trying to play is americas army and halo.. THX for any help it is greatly appreciated.....

I hope this is rite place for this post i am new here.

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You probably have several things working against you. The first is that you are running a celeron machine - so despite its speed, it will be slow on games.


But, it more probable that your machine is using the integrated graphics (probably Intel) rather than the nVidia cards your are installing. You will need to uninstall all your graphic drivers, reboot, go into BIOS before the machine comes up in Windows, change the default from the integrated graphics to AGP or PCI (depending on the card you are using), save that configuration, bring up Windows, then install your nVidia drivers.


Having said that, neither of the nVidia cards will perform all that well.

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