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usb cable modem on fedora core 1

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I dont know if it can be done but i need help connecting my usb cable modem to my linux i have a dual boot win xp and fedora core xp is what i am using to connect to internet with the usb but the drivers are only exe no binaries so i am stuck trying to figure it out any help would be appreciated

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The first question that I have, is it possible for you to upgrade to Fedora Core 4? USB modem support is much better.


The second question is could you give a little more information, such as the make and model of the modem?


The easiest solution would be to connect via a network (NIC) card to the modem. You can get an inexpensive Linksys or Realtek NIC card, if your system does not already have one, for about $10-15 USD. Fedora should pick one of these up right off and you save yourself a lot of headaches.

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