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Help me with Might and Magic 6 & 8 PLEASE!

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I recently bought Might and Magic 6-8. I installed all of them and when I went to run them 7 was the only one that worked. When I run 6 it says


(3.3)C:\PROGRA~1\3DO\MIGHTA`2\mss32.dll: Pager initialisation error 2 - The sysstem cannot find the file specified.


at the top it says SHRINKER.ERR I'm pretty sure I need patches to fix the problem but I'm not sure which one I need. I don't understand some of the things they tell you like the mm6_12xp.exe patch.


On Might and Magic 8 it says


Might and Magic VIII has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.


And it goes on about sending a error report or not. I am trying to run these games on a Windows XP Home Edition. I'm not sure what my Video/Graphic card is.


I'm not fully computer literate but if u need more info to help me fix the problem just post


To bad 3DO when Bankrupt before they could help me fix this problem. It's taking me forever to find out! (Over a year)

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ok, ok, I have a confession to make. I lied. I can't get Might and Magic 7 to work. Yes, it DOES run but whenever I go to play the game the sound is all off. The graphics are fine but the people echo or stutter something like that. I tried disabling the 3D sound on the launch menu but it still isn't working.


SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! THIS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! What happened to the good ole' days when a woman could just play her game without any problems!?

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