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Odd network Behavior

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I just received my second windows 2003 server computer and I am having some serious issues with it not being able to "see" any of my other computers on the network and none of the other computers being able to "see" it. The new server can get out on the net, it's got a valid IP from my DHCP enables linksys router. It can ping any of the ip's on my network except . None of my other machines can ping the new server or map to it in anyway. I can map to other machines from the server but only if I use the IP for the remote machine. The workgroup settings are all the same throughout the network and this new server has a unique computer name, the new server and the machine I am trying to connect with have an identical user account (username and password). I'm lost here, I've run out of ideas. Any help at all would be appreciated

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