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ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

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I went and spent £114 on this card, four weeks later in turn my computer on and what do I find, pinks lines on my screen, I don't really know if it’s the cards it’s self or something else doing it, but it’s a start. I play a game called Planetside (online) and the graphics are poor now, I get weird shades of color and out of place graphics, so I can't see who in front of me half the time.


I need help!!!! ;( has anyone else had the same problem?


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Is your power supply a high quality 350+ watt? The card could be defective, or you could have a weak power supply that can't handle the Radeon's draw. Try pulling all the power connectors except the mobo and Radeon and see if your pink lines go away.

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Well up[censored] the divers made it worse, and I can't see any thing in the bios that’s helping, so the card has a problem, I tried everything under the sun to solve the problem, but nothing, looks like a new card for me, and ideas, I got an MSI mother board, so what about an MSI card.


Thanks for the help smile

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