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Sims 2 help

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I am new on this site and i just got the Sims 2 on PC

I installed it and then went to play the game but it said that i had no DirectX 9.0 adapters in my system. I first thought it was my computer only but then i came on here and found out that it has happened to alot of people. i have read some of the soulitions but dont understand them.


Can someone please help me and explain it to me in ENGLISH.


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Run DXDIAG.EXE and click on Display tab and it will say what graphics card you have. See if it matches the min. requirements for the game (see manual with Sims2).


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The same thing that happened to smithua happened to me, so I asked my friend for a graphics card. He came over, eventually worked out how to get into the computer and tried to put it in, but apparently my computer is un-upgradeable because the graphics card wouldn't go in or anything.


I was thinking I could just buy a new computer as my friend's spare computer needs a new hard drive and even if I get one for it, I'll have to give him his computer back eventually. Is there any way I can sort out this problem WITHOUT having to buy a new computer? I spent £40 on the game, and I'm too interested in playing it to give up on it... call me pathetic, but whatever, in the long run, it'd be better to sort this problem than give back the game and give up... I might end up buying more games or other software and have this same problem again.


Help, anyone?

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