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Problem installing Norton Internet Security 2005

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I have recently downloaded the Norton Internet Security 2005 to replace the Norton Antivirus 2003 that I had on my computer. The installation was almost complete when I was promted to restart the computer to complete the installation. However, when the computer restarted the message just appeared again. Also, if I click on the icon on the toolbar or the icon on the desktop it again says that the computer needs to be restarted to finish installation. I went to add/remove programs, thinking I could remove the program and then download it again from the website but when I try to remove it it tells me that setup has detected that I have uninstalled or installed in the program and the computer needs to be restarted to finish. No matter how many times I restart the computer, the message is the same. I'm running on Windows 98.


Please Help!




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I personally never liked norton at all. It seemed to take up too much in the background. I play allot of different games and never seem to have any problems with pccillin wich came with my motherboard. As for how to fix norton...I wouldn't, I would switch to pccillin. Although this is just a personal preference.

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i heard that their is a virus that prevents you from installing a new antivirus. i also heard that their is a program that you can download from norton that will eliminate the problem so you can install and then eliminate that virus. I do not know the name of the program though... If someone knows please tell me


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