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Apple Routing on Windows 2003 Ent. Svr...

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Morning all.


I know this may not be a good area to post this but I'm somewhat desperate and want to know how I can accomplish what I need to do. So here goes, I had a Windows 2000 Adv. Svr. doing AppleTalk Routing using four seperate NICs for four different subnets. It handled all the cards excellently allowing Apple Zone Talking with single Seeding to be done on one of the NICs but allowed the other subsequent NICs to join to the zone. Due to Windows 2000 Adv Svr security compromises and new software compatibility I was forced to update from scratch to Windows 2003 Ent Svr. After the install and setup I realized that the AppleTalk Routing had slightly changed where the built-in Microsoft AppleRouting no longer allowed Apple Zone Talk recognition of single Apple Route Seeding for all of the NICs at once. Now only one NIC can is designated to see a Seeded Apple Talk Zone which means the other subnets held on the other NICs can no longer become part of it at the same time. One NIC can hold the Zone at a time.


Can anyone tell me if there is a patch or a fix for this? If there isn't a fix, I'd also appreciate a third-party solution to this as well so long as I can add it on top of Windows 2003. I'm pretty much stuck with Windows 2003 and can't go back. And yes, I can't get rid of the AppleTalk either as I have clients using legacy apps which depend on the AppleTalk.


Thanks in advance all.

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Are the legacy apps running under "Classic" for OSX? If so, I would think that OSX could provide something like NAT/bridging, but I can't say for sure, as it's been about a year since I last worked on an Apple/OSX.

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Adamvjackson, thanks for the reply.


No, it is a MacOS9 Classic that is being used due to hardware budget contraints. So I am looking to find the fix for Win 2003.


Thanks again

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