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The worst thing about Linux is you spend your life trying to read documentation and afterwards you STILL feel clueless.


I'm having problems with getting sound on Skype. After a LONG session till well past midnight, I managed to get Skype for Linux working (www.skype.com) but it is the version with Qt compiled in. When I said working, I meant skype opens but there is no sound.


So now I'm trying another course of action (running the Windows version). How do I use Wine? I've installed it with an rpm and it seems to work from the command line. I can open Notepad.exe in the hidden .wine directory from the terminal. How do you proceed to install Windows programs?


Again masses of documentation available but no clue as to the next step.


Finally, I've found what looks like a neat program http://www.xstroke.org/ but it won't compile. In the README is says


"If you would like to compile xstroke, simply edit the Makefile to

point to correct locations for X and type make. (Yes, this is a

primitive build environment -- something fancy like autoconf will come

in a future release).


To install, copy xstroke to a directory on your path and copy the

default xstrokerc file to ${HOME}/.xstrokerc."


What would be the correct location of X and where would I put the path in the makefile?


About cedega, I have seen it but right now I would first like to learn how to run wine before trying anything else.


Sorry. A lot of questions but also a lot of frustration.


Can anyone please help me?




P.S> I've just realised this has been posted as a new topic. That wasn't intentional. It was meant to go in the "Linux worries" thread. So it has no title. This isn't my day....

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If you're adventurous enough to be building your own tools, then you need to be comfortable

with 'make'.


The whereabouts of X is easy enough to obtain: "whereis X"


Of course, /usr/X11R6/bin/X is probably linked to

/var/X11R6/bin/X which is linked to the actual X Windows appropriate for your hardware.


Hmm.. having a look at xstroke-0.6 ... you're going to need the 'autoconf' package

and be comfortable with it, too. There isn't a Makefile, per se, in the xstroke tarball.

You're given the pieces which specify for autoconf how to put a Makefile together.


If you need more help, say so. Someone will dig deeper.

In the meantime, rest up and work on this with fresh perspective later.


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Koba, I'm already trying to get this "Skype" working with wine. It's not looking good though. In Win4Lin, it installs fine but crashes Windows. With cedega, (gaming wine) I get errors. I don't have Crossover on any of my boxes right now, but I fear the rusults will be similar. I think your best chance is to go ahead and continue trying to get it working under Linux. If I can find the time, I'll try to get it working on my box.

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