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Gaming & Win NT 3.51 - Possible?

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I have an older computer and I was wondering if I would be able to play any OpenGL-based 3D games on it. I know NT 3.x has basic OpenGL support. Does this help me any or am I pretty much out of luck? I'm thinking Quake specifically, but anything that would work would be great. The machine is a Intel DX4-100 with 64 megs of RAM and NT 3.5.1, SP5. The video card is a Trident 2Meg VLB. Any help is appreciated.



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Gaming on NT 3.51 is pretty much out of the question. Nearly all Win32 games (even really old ones) require some form of DX (for which there is no support in NT 3.51).


Your system is fast enough to play Quake, but you need a different OS (95+ or NT4+), as DOS Quake won't run under NT and GL and win quake requires a minimum of NT4 (as they make use of DX).


NT 3.51 is fine for office work, web browsing and basic video playback, but gaming is a strict nono I'm afriad.

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