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Unreal Tourn restarts my computer ?????

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I am using the win2k 3.69 drivers and when I try to start UT it begins to load and then my computer restarts itself. Any suggestions?


when i run it in safe mode it works in a window, but when i try to play it full screen it restarts the computer, what other drivers should I try for win2k and a Geforce ddr


[This message has been edited by Ferris23 (edited 15 January 2000).]

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how do i tell the version, from what I was told it was the final version, i am trying to run UT in D3D

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Look at the UnrealTournament.log file.


It will give you the OS version, UT version, video driver version, and maybe even a reason for failure...

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Hello !

I have a Geforce Winfast: when I tried with the Nvidia drivers my system crash.

With the drivers LEaktek works perfectly !!





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That happends to me too!!

I'm using Win2K Final, and the 3.69 drivers from nVIDIA... And I'm running UT in D3D mode of course....

This happends in a lot of other games as well... The 3.69 drivers doens't appear to be very stable.. frown


I've got an ASUS GeForce Deluxe by the way...



//Albin Rangefelt (aka Lord Avalance) - albin@torget.se

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The reason why Unreal Tournament is crashing

has something to do with the 3.69 Detonator drivers. If you use the 3.66, it works fine on all versions of UT. But instead, why not try the new beta D3D DLL for UT?!! Works fine on 3.69 and is a lot faster.

Get it here:http://unreal.epicgames.com/files/d3ddrv.dll






Mr Marbles


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