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This type of file could harm your computer dialog

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Hello everyone,


When I try to open an exe from my LAN or Network Drive, I receive the IE Secuirty warning which says that this type of file could harm your computer... The checkbox is grayed out.


Now I understand that this works when appears when downloading a file from the internet but it started appearing for LAN too. Why?


Is there a way to remove this?




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Can you not adjust the Trusted Sites option for the local Intranet as well ?!?


I think you enter a local machines IP so this will be a trusted site, even if it's not a web server but just another local workstation.

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On a similar subject, what if your system is a 2003 server, and you are trying to automate some tasks using a VBS script? It's giving that same "This type of file could harm your computer, do you want to Open or Save"? Can you pick individual files and "always run this file", or do you have to do this for ALL VBS scripts?

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