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grand prix 3 and radeon 9600 pro --texture problems

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just upgraded videocard from geforce 2 and now i have all kinds of problems with diff games. dx-9 can't be all that backwards compatible i guess..as freespace 2 needs that pixel center compatibility setting (only 2 compat settings available).


So for this thread i just want to focus on grand prix 3.


you know how you can have gif files...with one transparent colour that lets through the back ground?


Well it seems in grand prix 3 that colour is no longer transparent but light blue.


so half the steering wheel has a blue rectangle extending from it.


and the entire first row of trees now looks like a 2-d image sprayed on a blue rectangle.


also the smoke now looks like it used to with 16 bit colour... you can see a small grid pattern in smoke.


and finally the video settings calibration always crashes to desktop or slows right down to a crawl.


Anyone else get this also? and more importantly, is there a fix for it??



properly installing hyperion 4 in 1 drivers fixed the problems somewhat.

reducing the agp setting to 2x seems to have helped even more.


grand prix will crash out after a bit of testing..but it will now run without those graphical anomolies i mentioned.





turning off agp read/write still makes system 100% stable while playing games (it just costs 25% in performance0

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