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Ghost recon????????

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does anyone know how to get ghost recon to work on win2000 with the nvidia geforce 4? it worked when i was using the onboard graphics card on my via motherboard but since ive upgraded to the nvidia it always crashes back to the desktop, you can hear the music playing but nothing else. it worked once when i rebooted in 16bit colour mode but not since??? help me please.


p.s ive allready tried upgrading all my drivers,directx etc...

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try up[censored] the game from http://www.ghostrecon.com/patch.php. At the bottom of the page get patches 1.3 and 1.4 (weighing 46.8 and 5.8mb respectively) and see if you get lucky....


off topic...one of the most realistic combat games i have ever played...never ever be careless and always look around...the enemy needs only one shot at you...

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hi, yeah those downloads/patches arnt needed if you've got the other mission packs as 1.3 is island thunder i'll go try 1.4 now thanks for that!

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I had a similar problem back with 12.44 drivers..I had a game that wouldn't run after installing them. I went back to the 12,41 drivers and the game ran beautiful. It's something you could try if all else fails =)

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hi, ive found a driver that works for my sytem now with all my games.

i found the driver on www.driverguide.com you need to put a password and user name in wich is "driver" and "all".

driver version is for the nvidia geforece4 440 using win2000 pro so far so good! this driver is the actual driver they first recomended for this graphics card and win2000/xp pro.

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I remember using the 28.32's for quite several months here (Geforce4, Ti4400) and found it to be very stable.


Also, www.driverguide.com is a great site, but the username is drivers and the password is all.


Just a slight correction, and I know, I'm picky.


Glad you got it working though.

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