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9700 PRO - screwed? help please

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Hey all


recently i took my 9700 pro out from my dell and put it into a home systrem - after forating - i got these weird lines and such on the screen.



What i have tried so far to locate the problem


Oh the Home system (gaming rig 2 below)


1. tried 5 diff monitors - same on all

2. tried diff catalyst drivers 3.2 /3.4 and new 3.5

3. tried diff. resolutions 640 upto 1600 (as ia lwasy run)

4. tried various refresh rates

5. tried 4 diff power supplies.


With the diff resolutions and refresh rates if i go to a 60mhz refresh tate, the lines disspear from the desktop background and only appear on windows, liek IE or the start menu - see below images.


I have now put the 9700 BACK in my dell and it is doing it on the dell now as well - Does anyone know of what could be wrong? Is this card dying - was running it @ 1600 x 1200 -85mhz all the time too much for it.


I know it is the card - but why would it suddenly do this only when i took it out from my dell and put it into another system..... (i did not shock anything i know!)

It is still under warrenty from Dell, but i figure it will take forever to get one back and they will likely want the whole tower! when this is my main work computer.








look closeyl u can see the lines


top corner in blue and along the right hand side




@ 1600 x 1200 res with 85Mhz refresh (lower does not change anything)





1024 x 768


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Have you tried dell specific drivers?


and make sure you have the extra power connector hooked up to the card.

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Power connector is hooked up - this card will not boot if it is not - puts a big warning on the screen smile


and the dell drivers are ATI drivers smile - i have tried MS and dell from my Dell XP cd as i reinstalled windows with my dell disk and left the default drivers. -still issue.


someone on another forum told me that is usually a sign of a bad memory chip - but for it to suddenly happen is weird.


i contacted ATi to see if i can RMA it directly - with out having to , i assume, send my entire tower back to dell to deal with.

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I remember other video cards exhibiting this kind of corruption a long time ago with overclocking, and if they were run like that for an extended period of time the damage was permanent. If this card was overclocked, and the damage was related to it, then you might have your RMA denied if they can prove it was abused in this manner.

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Most Dells have an on site warrenty. They should replace the Radeon on the spot. Just ring them and tell them the problem and u'll have a new Radeon :P


P.S. That thing about the memory chip being damaged, those artifacts seem to indictate a memory problem.

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Have you tried disabling fast writes, or moving to AGP 4x, or 2x?



also any video bios caching in the bios?

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No overclocking done - mainly cause it is under my dell and i did not want to overclock it incase something happened to it. i had it in an overclocked computer for about 50 mins when i formated it (below in my sig), but i have AGP /PCI lock on the board so the AGP speeds remained the same.


Fan is on - fast writes off / tried agp 2x and 4x.


i do have the 1 year warrenty which has the one year on site as well!


Dell, here i come!

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