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DNS cache

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There are two versions of DNS cache tweaks on the net. One is in form of a *.reg file or a copy-paste directions to create one, the other is in story telling registry editing form. Both of them lacks any serious descriptions about what excactly are those values doing. It's often added that "don't ask why, just tweak it" or something. But I want to know couse the problem is - those two versions are different and both ar quite popular too (so can't decide based on popularity) couse the vide spreaded copy-paste h4xx0r don't-ask-why webmasters don't bother to look what thei're pasting on their site <- I could be wrong.


Here's the two versions and I want to know which one is "THE ONE"




Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00










...go in the registry to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache\Parameters and modify "CacheHashTableBucketSize" to 384. Don’t ask me why… Then find "CacheHashTableSize" and change that to 64000 for no apparent reason, modify "MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit" to 301, and then change the perfectly good "MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit" to a very inadequate value of 300...




Now the diferences:


"CacheHashTableBucketSize"=dword:00000001 - is in decimal 1 vs 384

"CacheHashTableSize"=dword:00000180 - is in decimal 384 vs 64000

"MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit"=dword:0000fa00 - is in decimal 64000 vs 301

"MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit"=dword:0000012d - is in decimal 301 vs 300


In those two versions values got changed to each other and 301 is spelled to 1 or something, I don't know, maybe You know.

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Thanks, I've read that page allready and used those values waiting for confirmation just to make sure.

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I agree with APK .... experiment with the vaules that will work for your setup.


You could always setup a caching DNS server or Proxy/Caching server if you truly wanted an improvement. smile

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Thanks for the replies, the second version truly works for me so I go with that.

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