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Windows 2000 Startup problem

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Not sure whether this is in the right place but here we go....


EVERY Time my computer starts up it gets to the Windows 2000 Loading screen then a blue screen appears with the message:




if this is the first time this stop error has occured etc etc...


if not run chkdsk check for viruses etc etc


every time the computer starts up this problem occurs so i can no longer get into windows.


also when in the dos prompt from booting from a bootable floppy disk i can access, C: and D: but the are more partitions for example F: and when this is entered a message says "Invalid Drive Specification" appears


what can i do to make the computer work again!! the main thing is that there is important data on the C: and d: and also on the inaccessable F:


Help please if you can!!



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Sounds like your disk may have died frown


But before jumping off the nearest bridge, there are a couple of things you can check.


Firstly, is the drive still recognised correctly in the BIOS? Have you done anything inside the PC recently? Maybe it's just a loose IDE cable.


Do you have a spare disk (or PC)? If so, try hooking your drive up as a slave and seeing if you can read it that way.

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ok the drive is still recognised in the bios definately sure on that as that was the first thing i tried


nothing has been done inside the PC recently however it is a NEW PC that i built have no idea why the hard disk did last very long if it is dead? - just one of those things i guess


im writing from my own PC so i can hook the drive up as a slave on my computer and see if i can get some of the data


One more thing, soon as the BIOS recognises the hard drive does it actually mean its dead?? my current slave hard disk "died" i.e wasnt recognised on startup once but i have now got it working completely again by formatting it in windows.


thanks for reply

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Actually, the INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE error usually means that the IDE/SCSI controller's driver was not (properly) installed. If you boot into the recovery console you may be able to install it, or perform an in-place upgrade and press 'F6' to manually install the controller driver before setup runs.

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ok so how do i do that exactly?? just boot off the win 2000 CD then press F6 ?? how do i know what to install??? i havent done this procedure before thats all





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Last Known Good Configuration will fix that, try it first before doing recovery console and yes, you could just boot off the CD and do recovery console with F6.


another good suggestion would to dump that P.O.S. of an O/S and get XP or 2k3 laugh

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...another good suggestion would to dump that P.O.S. of an O/S and get XP or 2k3

I beg your pardon? I think 2000 is a much better OS than XP (dunno about 2k3 though). It is much better done, and its up to SP4 almost!!!!

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Windows 2000; A POS?

I think not!! I intend to stay with it until it is ABSOLUTELY
neccessary to switch to a new MS OS. I hate product activation.

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